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Select select

Performs data selection and aggregation on tables or arrays.

;; Basic selection with multiple types
 (set employees (table [name dept salary hire_date last_login] 
                       (list (list "Alice" "Bob" "Charlie")        ;; strings in lists
                            ['IT 'HR 'IT]                          ;; symbols in vectors
                            [75000 65000 85000]                    ;; numbers in vectors
                            [2021.01.15 2020.03.20 2019.11.30]     ;; dates
                            [2024.03.15T09:30:00 2024.03.15T10:15:00 2024.03.15T11:45:00]))) ;; timestamps

;; Select specific columns
 (select {name: name dept: dept salary: salary from: employees})
 name     dept  salary 
 Alice    IT    75000  
 Bob      HR    65000  
 Charlie  IT    85000  

;; Selection with condition
 (select {name: name salary: salary from: employees where: (> salary 70000)})
 name     salary 
 Alice    75000  
 Charlie  85000  

;; Aggregation by department
 (select {dept: dept
           avg_salary: (avg salary)
           headcount: (count name)
           earliest_hire: (min hire_date)
           from: employees
           by: dept})
 dept  avg_salary  headcount  earliest_hire 
 IT    80000.0     2          2019.11.30    
 HR    65000.0     1          2020.03.20    


(select {column1: expr1
         column2: expr2
         from: source
         [where: condition]
         [by: grouping]})
- All select parameters are part of a single dictionary - Column definitions and clauses are key-value pairs - from is required, where and by are optional

Common Uses

  • Data filtering and transformation
  • Aggregation and analysis
  • Complex data reshaping
  • Report generation


  • Column names must be symbols
  • Column names in the result must be unique
  • Aggregations require compatible types
  • Group by columns must be included in the result
  • String arrays must be created using lists, not vectors
  • Symbol arrays can use vector literal syntax without quotes

Advanced Example

;; Multiple aggregations with filtering and temporal data
 (set activity (table [user region login_time duration] 
                      (list (list "Alice" "Bob" "Charlie")
                            ['US 'EU 'US]
                            [2024.03.15T08:00:00 2024.03.15T14:30:00 2024.03.15T09:15:00]
                            [45 30 60])))
 (select {region: region
           users: (count user)
           avg_duration: (avg duration)
           last_login: (max login_time)
           from: activity
           where: (> duration 20)
           by: region})
 region  users  avg_duration last_login          
 US      2      52.5         2024.03.15T09:15:00 
 EU      1      30.0         2024.03.15T14:30:00 