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Reference card

Builtin functions

cmp eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge
compose as, concat, dict, table, group, guid, list, enlist, rand, reverse, til, distinct
control if, try, raise, exit, do, return
env set, let, env, memstat
format format, print, println, show
io read, write, read-csv, get-parted, get-splayed, get, hopen, hclose, set-parted, set-splayed
items at, enum, except, filter, find, first, in, key, last, sect, take, union, where, within
iter apply, map, fold
join left-join, inner-join
logic and, or, not, like, nil?
math +, -, *, /, %, avg, div, max, min, sum, xbar, round, floor, ceil, med, dev
misc count, type, rc, gc, meta
order asc, desc, iasc, idesc, neg, xasc, xdesc
query select
repl args, commands, eva, exec, load, parse, quote, resolve, set-display-width, set-fpr, use-unicode-format
serde ser, de
temporal date, time, timestamp
time timer, timeit
update alter, insert, upsert, update
interfacing loadfn


Id Name Size Description
0 List - Generic List
1 B8 1 Boolean
2 U8 1 Byte
3 I16 2 Signed Short
4 I32 4 Signed 32-bit Integer
5 I64 8 Signed 64-bit Integer
6 Symbol 8 Symbol (interned string)
7 Date 4 Date
8 Time 4 Time
9 Timestamp 8 Timestamp
10 F64 8 64-bit Floating Point
11 Guid 16 Globally Unique Identifier
12 C8 8 Char
20 Enum - Enumerated Type
98 Table - Table
99 Dict - Dictionary
100 Lambda - Lambda (user function)
101 Unary - Unary (function with 1 argument)
102 Binary - Binary (function with 2 arguments)
103 Vary - Vary (function with n arguments)
126 Null - Generic NULL
127 Error - Error (special type for errors)