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Reference card

Builtin functions

env set, let, env, memstat
control if, try, raise, exit
math +, -, *, /, %, avg, div, max, min, sum, xbar, round, floor, ceil, med, dev
logic and, or, not, like
items at, except, filter, find, first, last, key, value, take, sect union, where, in
order asc, desc, iasc, idesc, neg,
relation eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge
compose as, concat, dict, table, group, guid, list, enlist, rand, reverse, til, distinct
iter apply, do, map, fold
items map, fold
join lj
update alter, insert, upsert, update
repl parse, eval, exec, load
misc count, type, rc
time timer
ext loadfn
io write, read, csv, print, println, hopen, hclose
serde ser, de


Id Name Size Description
0 List - Generic List
1 Bool 1 Boolean
2 Byte 1 Byte
3 I64 8 Signed 64-bit Integer
4 F64 8 64-bit Floating Point
5 Symbol 8 Symbol (interned string)
6 Timestamp 8 Timestamp
7 Guid 16 Globally Unique Identifier
8 Char 4 Character
20 Enum - Enumerated Type
77 AnyMap - Generic Map
78 FilterMap - Filter Map
79 GroupMap - Group Map
98 Table - Table
99 Dict - Dictionary
100 Lambda - Lambda (user function)
101 Unary - Unary (function with 1 argument)
102 Binary - Binary (function with 2 arguments)
103 Vary - Vary (function with n arguments)
126 Null - Generic NULL
127 Error - Error (special type for errors)