Timer timer
Creates and manages recurring timers.
;; Create a timer that runs every 1000ms (1 second)
↪ (timer 1000 0 {t: (println "Timer tick:" t)})
0 ;; Returns timer ID
;; Create a timer that runs 5 times
↪ (timer 1000 5 {t: (println "Count:" t)})
1 ;; Returns different timer ID
;; Remove a timer by ID
↪ (timer 0)
;; Create infinite timer (runs until removed)
↪ (timer 5000 0 {t: (do
(println "Background task at:" t)
(gc))}) ;; Run garbage collection every 5 seconds
: Time between executions in milliseconds
- times
: Number of executions (0 for infinite)
- callback
: Lambda to execute (receives current time as argument)
- id
: Timer ID to remove
- Minimum interval is system-dependent
- Callback execution time affects next interval
- Timer continues until removed or count reached
- Timers are cleared when process exits